Dr. Jyoti Khambra - truly delivering the Hippocratic Oath

‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’- this is just not a phrase but a life-saving mantra to those who are stuck in a life and death situation. The same was witnessed by people of Chamoli, Uttrakhand when they were trapped in the tunnel due to floods in the Rishiganga river. This was the time when many of them were losing hope for life, and Dr. Jyoti Khambra of ITBP came to their rescue. She is an Assistant Commandant Medical Officer in ITBP. Not only she did her duty but she herself was 8-month pregnant and chose to help them with all her strength.  Her husband Ashish Khambra is also an Assistant Commandant Engineer at ITBP.

As told by Dr. Jyoti, it was the Sunday morning on 7 February. Me and my husband were enjoying our morning tea, when he got a call that a dam has been broken due to the glacier broken in Tapovan area. We left the house and I arrived at the hospital in the battalion. To help people stuck in danger, a rescue team was immediately formed. Senior doctor rushed to the scene with the rescue team, wherein I was given the responsibility of handling the hospital. At 6:30 pm, 12 people were brought to the hospital. These were the people who got caught working in the tunnel. Their condition was very bad. Some of them had very low oxygen level, whereas some became victim of hypothermia. As I was alone at the hospital, I started treating them according to their problems. I knew along with physical treatment they were in severe need of mental strength as they struggled many hours inside the tunnel to save their lives. I encouraged them and ensured them their safety.

Dr. Jyoti and her team were on duty all night. For next 3 days she was there for patient’s treatment. As she was 8-month pregnant her family members were also worried about her well-being. They wanted her to come back immediately. But according to Jyoti she was fine and decided to come back only when proper arrangement is made for the sufferers.

Dr. Jyoti joined ITBP last year only. She feels that helping needy people in the hour of disaster gives you immense satisfaction. As a human being it’s our duty to help others and I am thankful to all-mighty who gave me strength to do my best in such a situation and I was able to serve my nation. I also got constant support from my husband who motivated me to work. On a lighter note, Dr. Jyoti now have some brave stories to tell her kids.
