The Compassionate Side Of Nagpur Police Worthy Of All Praise And Respect

Nagpur, Maharashtra: Senior Police officer, Amit Malviya has caught himself in the social media headlines with his compassionate nature towards auto driver Rohit Khadse and his son. Malviya is an employee working for the Traffic Police Department.

The news goes that auto driver, Rohit Khadse found himself in a pickle as he happened to park his autorickshaw in the ‘No Parking’ zone of the area. And rightfully so as per traffic law, Rohit would have to be imposed with a fine of rupees 200. Amit Malviya then continued to seize Rohit’s autorickshaw. However, as the investigation furthered and questions were asked, it came to light that Rohit, was already due to pay rupees 2000 as per a challan found regarding the breaking of traffic rules thereby violating them.

The fine was charged for breaking traffic rules in Sitabuldi area in Nagpur. The police had to seize Khadse’s vehicle which would only be released after he were to deposit the money he was fined with.

Khadse being an autorickshaw driver and poor did not have the money to repay the fine at the time. He then requested the police to allow him to get back home and gather the required amount. The only money the auto driver had was money from his son’s piggy bank.

Carrying his son’s piggy bank with the only money he had saved, Khadse reached the police department. Khadse is a resident of Durga Chowk and was accompanied by his wife and two children to the station.

Khadse was regretful, however, there was no other way around it as he had to get back his seized autorickshaw back in order for him to continue to earn his livelihood for him and his family. As he went over to hand the money to the officer, with 10-rupee coins and some small notes, Malviya asked Khadse the reason for bringing the piggy bank to which Khadse explained that it was the only money he had at hand to repay the fine.

Hearing this, Malviya was dejected himself and decided to do the most humane thing one could do in such a situation. He paid the auto driver’s fine from his own pocket. And to add to it, Malviya called Khadse’s son to the police department and made it a point to return back his piggy bank with all the money he had saved so far back to his safe hands.

With this incident, senior officer, Malviya has acquired a lot of publicity for his humble and kind demeanor towards the child and the auto driver. The social fame has only brought nothing but praise to his name.

Khadse on the other hand was also grateful to the officer and along with filing the challan, he swore to never violate the traffic laws again and abide by the rules like one should.


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