Cops of Nagpur- Women’s Safety & Empowerment Awareness

Amidst the city of Nagpur, in the Sakkardara zone with the police commissioner’s vision to promote women officers and place them in important levels of position in the police department has led to quite a lot of women empowerments in the police force. One such promotion that has seen the face of media quite a few times so far is that of Police Inspector Ashalata Khapre who has been appointed as the first female inspector of the traffic branch of Sakkardara.

Office Khapre has come in the limelight making headlines for her diligent work. She has previously worked in the accident cell and court cell which entailed surveying accident spots in the city, identifying blind spots all to reduce the frequency and number of accidents caused on the roads of the city.

Earlier this month, she also led a successful rescue operation under zonal deputy police commissioner Akshay Shinde and CP Navi Chandra Reddy which has also caught wind. The operation was pertaining to the rescue of 4 minor girls who had fled home and were later reunited with their parents in less than 5 hours.

Senior Inspector Ashalata Khapre is now making news as she puts a step forward to take the issue of women’s safety and empowerment across students. Khapre who is part of the Wathoda police station wants to spread awareness among the youth particularly between the ages of 13 to 17 years. Creating safe and empowering public places for women is especially important in this day and age and Senior Inspector Khapre plans to make the growing youth and others aware of the same.

The awareness seminars or programs will be held in different parts of the city of Nagpur. So far, Khapre along with Nandanvan Police Senior Inspector, Mukhtar Sheikh have addressed students from Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar Engineering College (KDK college) through the means of social media. The web-based seminar was attended by a crowd of 120 students at the college and the two police inspectors voiced their assurance to all the women and girls in distress or seeking help at the police station.

Looking back at the incident with the rescue operation involving four young female minors, Khapre pointed out that considering their young age, youngsters tend to be more vulnerable and are inclined to make premature and sometimes ill-advised decisions. The result of which may not always be fruitful or lean in their favor and thus a sound mind and awareness of your safety is something the youth needs to lend an ear to and be conscious of.

The young mind is often tempted by social media that can very well be capable of causing harm. Khapre’s goal and aim stands steady with wanting to create awareness and talk about the issues that girls may face in the outside world from which they need be wary.

Amongst the dangers of the outside world, Khapre discussed about human and sex trafficking rackets. While these threats belong outside the safety of our homes, Khapre also discussed about the threats behind closed doors, of married women and children who are often victims of domestic abuse. And while the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 holds and can help to take action against incriminating criminals, one needs to still be careful of their safety.

The police are also making sure to patrol and monitor isolated areas in the region to make it safer for the women out there. Sheikh also encouraged the students to stay strong and positive towards the end.

That is the lesson that the two senior inspectors gave to the students of KDK College and will continue to raise awareness throughout other schools, institutions, and colleges in Nagpur.


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