Bomb blast survivor with an epiphany towards life, now feeds hundreds!

Delhi based textile businessman, Ashok Randhawa, a survivor of the bomb blasts that took place in Delhi circa 2005 killing some while injuring many others. Ashok claims to have been in the vicinity of Sarojini market, he looks back at the time when he lost a lot of people who were his acquaintances. He carried off corpses on his shoulders while hearing the deafening screams of people in agonizing pain. This terrifying incident altered all his plans for the future, and he sought to spend his life serving people.

Ashok has been running his textile business in a shop in Sarojini market for the last 35 years. However. Ever since the bomb blast, he has given all his time and efforts to help the families of those who lost their lives in the horrific incident. With having fought many legal battles and travelling to Pakistan, he has really been doing all he can for the people affected by the blast. Ashok mentions that whilst the bombings took place, he was going towards the police station from his shop in Sarojini market, he heard the loud noise of the bomb and the impact of which shook him to his core.

Food for all

Ashok has been distributing food to over 500 people every day. He says that there have been a lot of strict lockdowns in the past year or so, with arrangements being made for people for food, ration, however, what about the cluster of people who do not have stoves? Who don’t even cook or can’t? Who do not have a place to call home? and merely rely of the help of other people to survive? Ashok has become the person who helps such people.

During the period of 2 months in lockdown last year, he distributed food to 500 people every day for absolutely no monetary gain. The food would consist of biryani or chickpeas and rice. Once again, this year, his campaign has started with the initiation of lockdown in Delhi. It is with the help of his wife as well who helps make and distribute the food.

Due to the contact with several people and staying out of their homes, Ashok and his wife had both fallen sick with the virus. They recuperated at the hospital and began their philanthropical work once again.

There was a time last year when after several days, the situation had taken an unexpected turn and the ration of food they had was not enough in which case they took help for the same from some of their friends, however, this time around, that has not been the case and things have been quite sufficient. The lockdown is scheduled to reopen on the 1st of June, till which Ashok’s campaign will continue.

Story curated by Madhura
